Web Development 4..


Web Development 4..

Hello , This is Arpan Tiwari and I am going to share another important concept in Web development . I have completed this lecture with Anurag Sir from PW Skills and know about different topics like as What is EMMET ? , Why it is helpful for developers ? , and many more things ..

First of all imagine that if EMMET had not come into existence then it was not easy task for anyone to write the html code step by step firstly open the angular bracket write the tag name and then content then close it ... It requires a lot of time but after the discovery of EMMET it makes a shortcut key to write the basic Html code in just one press.. write the name of any tag and press the tab you get complete one ..

Now it is also helpful in creating the basic structure of html "press the shift key and 1 after that press the tab key or make enter you will get the basic structure of html code.. EMMET is already installed in code editor like Visual studio , but when you are using another editor you have to installed it.. Now it saves a lot of time of developers who are using it..

It is also helpful in code formatting , abbreviation expansion , code snippets , customization and so on. Lets come to know about other things i.e. the first line of code tells that this document is of HTML type and HTML 5 version. The other line tells the language of html code i.e. English here.

The another thing is meta which in general we can say meta means information about information for example Apple the thing which tell about that it is apple and so on is basically meta.. and it stores all information about it..

So this was all about this snippet and I hope it will helpful for you.. Thank You..