Hello everyone, This is again Arpan Tiwari to present another concept in web development in front of you all.. I have completed this whole concept with Anurag sir from PW skills.. This snippet include more about Emmet and how we can write HTML code fast.. This is last second lecture on Emmet..
First of all what is class and ide .. Tn general way we can say that those elements who gives the power to HTML for capture the tag is basically called as class and ide, about these we study more when we are studying CSS..
Now if we want to add class and ide with tag then how we can do it ? By using the concept -> tag name . class name and press the tab button and tag name # ide name and press tab button for ide . This way we can add these things.. There are some another way to do it..
This concept is giving attribute to existing class or ide.. tag name [class=class name] and press the tab button and for ide tag name [ide=ide12] this way we can give the attributes.. You can also add image source img[src=source.jpg]..These are all about we can speed up in writing the HTML code..
Another thing we can also add the text by self without using lorem tag name{text} and press the tab button.. This way you can add the text accordingly.. So, I hope this will be helpful for you.. Thank you..