Web Development 3..

Special Characters..

Web Development 3..

Hey This is "Arpan" and today I have started my web development journey with "Anurag sir" from "PHYSICS WALLAH" and this is another concept program in web dev.. This include all about how to print more spaces , printing the special characters and some alternative method of it..

If we want to compare two numbers using comparative operators like < ,>, = ..Then we use ampersand operator with the name of operator like.. < for less than and similarly for others.. We use & operator only to differentiate these from the tag..

There are some other methods also to print these operators like < for < , = for = , > for > , ? for ? and so on.. The next important thing is Can we print the alphabet characters ? Yes C for C and so on..

<p> &#67 </p>

Suppose you want to give more space between the words , for that we use nbsp (non breaking space) , Number of times you write this you observe that much space in output screen..

so this is all about some basic concepts in the journey of web development .. Thank You ...