Hello , This is Arpan Tiwari and I am very excited to share another important concept in web development . I have completed this lecture with Anurag Sir and this include writing first code on EMMET , and some basic information about html code..
We have already write the first Emmet code it is nothing but the basic structure of html code which we obtained by pressing shift and 1 and then tab button is the first Emmet code..
Another thing , what does charset means ? Generally we can say that the function of this is to show the content on output web page which we write in body.. UTF basically means uniform transformation format as the name suggest its main function is to print all the things included in body uniformly without any change..
Other important thing is content width device and all , it is basically show all the content on your window screen with the original width of your window and set the initial scale to 1.0 that is the basic size .. You can zoom in and out as well.. but according to initial scale..
So this was all about this above snippet I hope it will helpful for you.. Thank you..